
Logitek Ultra-VU LED Bargraph Audio Meter UV2-B Dual Input

$ 184.8

Availability: 85 in stock
  • Connectivity: Wired
  • Condition: excellent tested condition
  • Type: Studio Monitor
  • Brand: Logitek
  • Model: VU2-B


    Logitek Ultra-VU LED Bargraph Audio Meter UV2-B Dual Input
    The Logitek Ultra-VU is a bargraph type audio meter featuring two tricolor LED bargraphs with clip indicators
    Two function buttons and several auxiliary data indicators are also included on the front panel.The Ultra-VU meter displays VU and peak levels on the same bargraph. Tri-color LEDs allow the VU level to be shown as a green bar and the peak level to be shown as a red dot. That way both levels can use the full meter range without confusion.
    Bargraphs per meter: Two
    Indicators per bargraph: 63
    Normal Range:
    -70 dB to 0 dB plus clip - digital
    -50 dB to + 20 dB plus clip - analog
    Fine Range:
    .2 dB per segment around ref pt.
    Reference Point:
    -10,-12,-14,-16,-18 or -20 dB
    Peak Markers:
    8,9,10,12,14,16,18 dB above ref pt
    VU Mode             300 mS/20dB attack & release
    PPM Mode       0 mS attack, 2.8S/24dB release
    Peak Hold       0 mS attack, 2 or 5 Second hold
    Max Hold         0 mS attack, pushbutton release
    Image/Phase               4 Sec hold on max image
    Clip Indicator:
    trigger on 1 or 4 consecutive
    clipped samples
    Frequency Response:
    Normal                           +/-.1 dB 20 Hz - 20 KHz
    Loudness Filter           58 dBSPL auditory curve
    -40 dB 20 Hz, 0 dB 1250 Hz, -50 dB 20 KHz
    Brightness control:
    8 levels
    Analog Input:
    Sensitivity               -10 to +20 dBu for full scale
    rear panel adjustable
    Overload Level                                       +24 dBu
    Impedance                             40 Kohm balanced
    Connector                                             3-pin XLR
    Digital Input:
    Formats                               AES/EBU or S/PDIF
    Impedance                                   110 Ohm (XLR)
    75 Ohm (coax adapter)
    Pass-through                             2200 Ohm (XLR)
    Termination                       transformer balanced
    AC Line Input Voltage:
    50-60 Hz                                     105-129 VAC or
    (switch settable)                             220-240 VAC
    Power Requirement:
    UV1-(all), UDT-(all)                               10 Watts
    UV2-(all)                                                 20 Watts